Nepal is blessed with one of the richest cultures in the world. Culture has been called 'the way of life for an entire society'. The statement holds particularly true in case of Nepal where every aspect of life, food, clothing and even occupations are culturally guided. The culture of Nepal includes the codes of manners, dress, language, rituals, norms of behavior and systems of belief
Nepal's culture is greatly influenced by its music, architecture, religion and literature. Your first sight of Nepal may leave you speechless, the great quantities of temples, churches, monasteries and other religious buildings, the hurly-burly in the streets and the number of people and animals socializing on every corner of the narrow cobble-stone lanes.
Nepal has about thirty-six different ethnic groups and multiple religions and languages.
The architecture of Nepal is another art that has become an important part of the country's culture. Nepal's architecture can be divided into three broad groups, the stupa style, the pagoda style and the shikhara style.
Nepal is constitutionally a Hindu kingdom with legal provisions of no prejudice against other religions. The Hindu inhabitants in the country has been constantly over 80 percent since the 1950s. The second largest religion of Nepal is Buddhism, it is practiced by about 11 percent, while Islam comprises of about 4.2 percent of the population. The Kirat religion makes up nearly 3.6 percent of the population.
Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal is seems to be one big adventure playground for the outdoor event participant. For hundred’s of years Nepal’s mountaineering, trekking, rafting and Jungle safari, making Nepal a Mecca for those in search of the mountain scenery has drawn trekkers and climbers from all over the world. Nepal is famous for trekking and mountaineering, Jungle safari as well as white water rafting and tourist are getting different experience during their trip in Nepal so that people choose it as the one of the best destinations for rafting. These same majestic mountain feet some of the world’s most challenging ultimate rafting white water river experience.
The unique combination of mountain scenery, warm water and a diversity of cultures make Nepal a white water enthusiasts dream destination. We provide and promise you experience [minimum 6 years-experienced guide] and trained river guides organizing outdoor river activities for over six years. Attention to details participants, comfort and safety have combined to make the logical choice for thousands of satisfied participants and customers seeking the alternate river experience in Nepal. Many participants have returned again and again to challenge new rivers and re-experience of the Nepalese warm hospitality and to exchange the their experience in life times
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